lördag 31 december 2011
fredag 23 december 2011
to celebrate a day in gothenburg
Two years ago in May when our mom turned 47 she got a trip to Gothenburg with her 3 children, that trip didnt happend untill last weekend. Better late than never.. So on Saturday the 17. dec we took our mom ( me and my brother emil and sister emelie) to Gothenburg, the weather wasnt the best, but we had a great time. We made a visit to the museum of nature history (I dont know the name in english) it´s an old museum that contains hundreds of diffrent stuffed and percerved animals, I really like this place, its a bit creapy, dusty and old, and it smells funny.. They have this big bluewhale in one of the rooms, it scares and facinates me at the same time. After the museumvisit we went to a place called Haga, its an old part of the city with old wooden houses, there it was a christmasmarket going on and lost of lost of people, in the evening we ate dinner at a restaurant named Tranquilo, it was very tasty..mmmmm. and then we saw the movie Hysterica , it was fun, i can recomend it.
Thank you mom for waiting so long for your present, i had a great time!
traces of couloring and printing in the lab at school, we had two weeks of experimenting with diffrent techniques, my resoult is a textile fairytale..ill show it later.
today is the first day in ages that i have some time of..feels good.
onsdag 14 december 2011
söndag 11 december 2011
a new friend
this is my new friend,a Canon 5D, i think our friendship will wonderful. hopefully i will soon have some time to show pictures...
torsdag 8 december 2011
the book is here!

söndag 27 november 2011
Hard workin´
Im a hard working woman right now and dont get much time off to do some writing here or anything else thats isnt´ schoolwork just now, hopefully it will slow down after christmas...
torsdag 24 november 2011
the swedish school of texlite: christmasmarket
söndag 13 november 2011
pattern: vilja
I made a pattern, I named it Vilja. The pattern will be on a poster promoting our x-mas market in Gothenburg the 3-4 dec.
onsdag 9 november 2011
Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir

måndag 7 november 2011
onsdag 26 oktober 2011
the Morran book
This is my contribution to the Morran book wich is a projekt run by the lovely artist Camilla Engman. You can send in your picture of her dog Morran and then a jury will pick out some pictures to finnaly be printed in a Morran book, all the profits from the book will go to charity, such a great idea! So now i just have to hold my fingers crossed that my picture will be chosen as one among others for the book. =)
Mumrik, the winning carpet!
so here it is! MUMRIK the handwoven carpet! my contribution to the Stockholm furniture fair in 2012! still only sketches but i will soon start to weave it in school, it will probably be many late nights sitting with the loom, but im really loocking forward to it! =)
the carpet will be woven in natural materials, doft and hard, and then i will print a pattern on it with screenprint.
måndag 24 oktober 2011
My contribution to the Stockholm furniture fair in 2012 made it past the jury! Im going to make a handwoven carpet with hard and soft natural materials and then print on it with a pattern, its called Mumrik and i´ll show scetches of the carpet tomorrow! Im So Happy!!!! =) yay!