im going to Norway for a few days, so long!
torsdag 29 september 2011
lördag 17 september 2011
details from home
"the weave fair"
This weekend the Weave fair takes places in Borås, the hometown of the swedish shool of textiles, i just went to one exhibition at the museum of textile and with my bad camera i manage to get some photos (im soon getting a new camera, hurray!)
I really like the Rya rug, (dont know what its called in english) and i think im going to give this technique a try in a projekt soon..
And these three are made by 3 of my talented classmates
Necklace by Linnea N
Dress by Malin B
Kimono by Josefina T
tisdag 13 september 2011
Windy times
there´s windy times outside the house, its cracking and banging on the wooden walls, the rain is hard and the yellow leaves are blowing of their branshes. the autumn has really come for real turning back, i like it sometimes but its also a bit sad.. in shool we learn about knitting , i will show some of that another time and at the same time our little class of 7 people are working on a project, sometimes you need to play as well, i think its important to set your mind free to get some new inspiration, during the lectures these figures ends up on paper.. a bit dark and mysterius, but with playfullness twinkling behind their eyes... hugely inspired by the moomins ofcourse, I just read the "moomin fathers memoir", i recomend it to all people , any age!
måndag 5 september 2011
Cy Twombly

caravan textiles