this is glimpses from our friends home, its just so beautiful, their house is kind of magic, i always feel a sense of calm when im there, i could easily find a hundred things in the interior to capture with the camera , but here are a few...
this is a picture i took a long time ago, the dog was my dog, her name was lilla My and the old camera made a double-exopusure without my knowledge, the forest filled her body like a puzzle, i just found it in a box with my old photos from the time i studied photography, it just took a while for me to see the beauty in the mistake.
Im trying to put together my work to make a portfolio.
the poster Vilja looks good in my hall, thats a good start..
I still have some handprinted posters that where left over from the X-mas market, if there is anyone out there interested in purchasing one just contact me on the mail.