the first photo is of my mother Lisbeth (to the left) and her sister Ingela. the second one is of my grandmother Brittmarie on a restaurant in the sexties and tha last image is of my aut Ingela on the knee of her great-grandmother,one of the picture hanging on the wall behind them now hangs on the wall in our bedroom, its funny how things travel...
poetic pictures of the finnish landscape in the Book: Finlandia by Reino Kalliola
sometimes things are just beautiful, like this book i have about "Hopdragssömmar"
i have seen many programs about the universe lately, it´s amazing and frightening at the same time...
He is a dutch artist that among other things collects found images and put´s them toghether in new ways, in that way he is giving them new purpuse. Its intressting how images can be seen in a new way if uou just take it out of its context. Today we are feed everyday with images everywhere, without really stop and look what the really show, I a documentary about Kessels and it was really intresting, it made me think about and reflect over how i see images my self.
you can find his books here i would like my self to have the box of "almost in every picture"- vol 1-5
and homepage here
putting pieces together...
i woke up with thunder outside the window this morning, i dont like thunderstorms and it would not seem to end so I stayed inside the whole day, im trying to clean my studio but it takes time , everytime i start to poke about in some pile of papers i find things to make into little illustrations or collages, like these, so i´ll continue cleaning tomorrow..and on monday school starts again.
Neil Young
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Neil Young, MTV Hive
2 patterns from my hotel-collection "Bare"